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Monday, January 31, 2011

Big Love "Certain Poor Shepards" - 1/30/11 *spoilers*

Honestly, I thought that rendition of the Hokey Poky was a bit too risque for those innocent little Mormon kids.

Here's the biggest issue I see with polygamy, shit gets confusing and the next thing you know everything is twisted. All Bill wants to do is buy his lovely wives pistols for Christmas and instead he finds out he's a statutory rapist who's married to wanna be priestess alcoholic and his momma has gone total bat shit crazy. Santa ain't gonna answer that drive thru box no matter how long you talk to it. 

Either Bill is the most obtuse individual on the planet or he's totally trying to God block Barb. She obviously wants her voice in the family's spiritual life but Bill isn't allowing it. My prediction is this is the issue that ultimately drives them apart.

Oh Margene, if there was one person on television that was going to get caught up in a pyramid scheme, it's Michael Scott. But if there's two it's Michael Scott and Margene. That whole scene seemed there just to set up a future revelation concerning the neighbors marital problems. I don't know why we should care about them but apparently the writers think we should. Margene's bigger problem was her own revelation that she was only 16 when she married Bill. Normally that's a little too old for these polygamist guys but Bill thinks this might hurt his Senator hood. He's probably right. Is the show going to end before he gets sworn in? Just asking. Seems like it's been a long time. Bill's got a fight brewing in the State House and marrying underage girls isn't going to help. However, a bigger issue than marrying underage girls is his creepy Henrickson live nativity scene in his front yard. What was that?

I'm a big proponent of more Alby. The guy is pure gold on screen. I mean who doesn't love a guy who kills dogs, threatens his mom and dooms one of his wives to eternal damnation? If I'm running the show, I say to hell with this dumb Senator story let's got to war between Bill and Alby. Surely they could fill the last half dozen or so episodes. I'm worried they've opened up too many stories to do them all justice before the series finale in March.

Overall, good episode but they need to start tightening up some of the story lines before they star careening out of control like Alby at a Thunder from Down Under show.

By the way, I like what the tribe has done with the casino.


  1. Totally agree with you on Alby, he is awesome. The way to get the two of them together is for Bill to try and take his rightful place as head of the group. Wasn't his grandfather the head guy or something?

    I am trying to decide whether I want Barb to leave Bill or not. Clearly she has had issues since the beginning with all of this, but I kind of like that she stands by him. But what an ass to stand by.

  2. What could happen is this new legislature drives the family to the complex and Bill has to battle Alby for control. Bill could ultimately redeem himself by revolutionizing the congregation.
