1. Sons of Anarchy - Way to close the season. It reminded me of the way Oscar De La Hoya would steal rounds. Dance around the ring, uneven performance then unleash a flurry in the final 30 seconds leaving the judges with the impression of domination. SOA gave us a terrific season premiere and a stellar finale and 11 erratic, sometimes maddeningly frustrating episodes. The finale got back to club basics, tying up loose ends the SAMCRO way and setting things up nicely for next season.
2. Holiday Movies - It's that time of year when television shows start shutting down and holiday movies take over. We all have our favorite, A Christmas Story, It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, Rudolph, Elf. Usually, it's the one that best exemplifies our own Christmas spirit. That's why my favorite is Bad Santa. There is no character that better defines me around Christmas than Willie. He's just perfectly crude and the antithesis of everything you associate with the holidays. Throw in a smoking hot Lauren Graham and you have the perfect holiday movie. I can't wait until my kids are older and we can share the tradition of watching Bad Santa while all those other suckers are watching some crappy Jimmy Stewart movie.
4. Denver Broncos - Alright Denver fans sing it with me, Ding Dong the prick it dead. I can't think of a coach with a worse prick to accomplishment ratio in the NFL than Josh McDaniels. Just because you worked for a genius coach who cheats and acts like an a-hole doesn't mean you can too. The Hoodie, and I call him the Hoodie because I can't spell his name, wins Super Bowls. He can run good players out of town and treat people like garbage because he's that good. You, Josh McDaniels, are not. You're not as good a coach, you don't win as many games and you don't cheat as well as The Hoodie. I know you were the offensive coordinator for the 15-1 Pats but I'm pretty sure Brady and Moss had a lot more to do with his 50 touchdown season than you did. I know this is all part of your master plan and one day we'll all realize how much smarter you are than us but for now Just Go Away.
5. A kid's desire to learn -Audrey a couple of Eye Witness books I had on the bookshelf and asked if she could read them. The books were on World War II and the Civil War. I agreed even though I wasn't sure she was ready for the subject matter. She took the WWII book to bed with her and began reading. I checked in with her just to make sure the subject of war and death wasn't upsetting. It wasn't. We talked about Hiroshima and the 200,000 people who died. When I asked her if it bothered her to read about people dying she said "no because I know it happened a long time ago, I'm ok with it." Then we started talking about Hitler and the Nazis. She showed me how you could make 4's by covering up portions of the Swastika. I started telling her about how Hitler had ordered the death of millions of people. She asked me "like Anne Frank?" She said she knew about Anne Frank because they learned a quote by her in class. How sad is it that a six year old first grader knows who Anne Frank is and Channing Crowder, Miami Dolphin linebacker doesn't? Then again I'm pretty sure Audrey's IQ is about 100 points higher than Crowder's.
Bottom 5
1. FX - Isn't that the way it always is? You start saying good things about someone and they turn around and disappoint you. Thanks, FX. In case you haven't heard, FX canceled Terriers this week. Yeah, the same Terriers that was in the top 5 last week. The same Terriers that was my favorite new drama this season. The same Terriers that starred my red headed counter part Donal Logue. I don't know what I've done to the TV gods that they keep canceling my favorite shows but I curse you TV gods. I curse you.
2. Walking Dead Season Finale - That was a let down. I guess the whole thing with people sitting around waiting for the building to blow up was supposed to be poignant or something. Except, those people were characters I barely knew and didn't care about. Hell the place could have gone up in a fire ball with Andrea and Dale still in there and I still wouldn't have cared. Another issue I had with this episode (and I had many) was that it's very hard to pull off suspense when the outcome is never in doubt. I was fairly certain they weren't going to kill the entire cast so I was never really "nervous" about whether or not Sheriff Rick and company were going to get out in time. You've got a year now, come back and wow me.
3. Giving Spirit - My kids have a lot of clothes and since we have one girl and one boy, we don't have a need to save them once they've been outgrown. Usually, we either give them to my sister for her daughter or take them down to Good Will. I'd much rather give things to someone who will use them over selling those same items. However, recently the clothes I've been placing in the give away pile have been making their way back in to the laundry. Today was about the forth time I've washed a few of these items. So in a fit of frustration I took this pile of clothes and threw them away. Me and the trash guy have a policy of no take backs, so I was sure they'd stay gone. I feel a bit guilty about throwing away perfectly good clothes but damn if felt good to get that shit out of my house.
4. Conference Championship Games - Was that not the worst set of conference championship games? Beyond the games being overwhelmingly boring, I really tired of hearing how fitting it was that Nebraska and OU were playing in the last Big 12 championship game. Really? Why was that so fitting? Nebraska/OU was a great Big 8 rivalry but for the past 15 years they've played twice every four years. On top of that, over the last decade Nebraska has been largely irrelevant. If they wanted a game that defined the Big 12, they should have let Texas play OU. You'd have to ignore the fact that Texas sucked this year. They've been the Big 12 for last ten years. The Big 12 North as a whole has been just short of dead weight. I'm glad the league will be getting rid of the divisions next season. The championship game rarely delivered and when it did the losing team still made it to the BCS title game.
5. Bowl Season - The good news, we did get a championship game of Auburn vs. Oregon. It should be a terrific game. The first team to 100 wins. The bad news is the rest of the bowl schedule. I can count on rail yard workers hand how many other games I'm looking forward to, LSU/ATM, Stanford/VTech and Wisconsin/TCU. That's it. I keep hearing about how great the Sun Bowl is because it's Miami vs. Notre Dame. What have either of these teams done recently that makes you think this is going to be a great game? Maybe I missed the press release that the teams were going to be taking time machines instead of chartered jets to El Paso because unless this game is happening in 1988 I think I'll pass.
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